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  •  Is a straightforward, practical and insightful process that will help you integrate and live out your faith more fully in your daily life
  •  Presents and helps you understand the truths necessary for you to discover your unique mission in the world
  •  Synthesizes the knowledge, experience, and wisdom of the Catholic faith into practical and insightful guidance, encouragement and inspiration to assist you in putting “First Things First” in your life 
  • ā€‹Teaches you the 4 Steps to Holiness and helps you integrate them into your life so will help you encounter authentic peace each and every day  
  • ā€‹Demonstrates how to integrate the four tools necessary for you to truly live the life of abundance God desires for you  
  • ā€‹Empowers you to discover purpose, peace and abundance in your daily life and embrace the life God created you for  
  • ā€‹A method that is customizable formation, results-driven accountability, personalized coaching support, training on-demand, and a community of faithful disciples on fire in the pursuit of holiness.
SIgn Up for a FREE Consultation
Roberta Bryer-King
 Author,  Embracing Your Wicked Good, God Awe-Full Life “Christina reminds us that becoming holy is a beautiful life-long process of allowing Jesus to be formed within each and every one of us...Christina offers us concrete steps, not abstract ideas, to help us become holier people and enjoy the abundant life that God has in store for all of us who are willing to "Say Yes!"


Father Andy Alexander, SJ

Director of Collaborative Ministry Office, Creighton University “Christina is down to earth and practical. She describes a process. It has steps and stages.”


Customizable Formation

Weekly Content Videos

($6000 value)

Online Fall & Spring Retreat Day Experiences

($500 value)

Access to countless other resources customized and tailored to YOU

and YOUR spiritual goals


Personalized Coaching

MCODE Assessment and 1:1 Review

($500 value)

Plan of Life 1:1 Coaching Call

($500 value)

1:1 Quarterly Coaching Calls with Christina  

($2000 value)

Specific milestones and metrics developed and accountability through bimonthly email exchanges

($1000 value)

Accountability & Support


ā€‹Bimonthly Small Group Zoom Sessions 

($6000 value)

Accountability Buddy & Prayer Partner 


24/7 Access to Private FB Group 

(Priceless) ā€‹ā€‹

Included Resources

Autographed copy of SAY YES book

($25 value)

Online Digital Resources to accompany the Say Yes Book

($75 value)

Templates and Resources for Plan of Life Goal Setting

($500 value)

Paid in Full Bonusesā€‹

"Backstage Access" to Say Yes Summit Speakers & Panel Guests 

($1000 value)

Two 1:1 Flow Performance Coaching Sessions 

($1000 value)


More testomonials...

"Christina's blend of coaching, mentoring, and spiritual guidance deeply impacted me as a corporate professional, wife, and mother-of-five. It was exactly what I needed during a challenging time. Christina’s approach goes to the next level of effectiveness because of the deep spiritual wisdom she brings to support the whole person: body, mind, and spirit. It’s a powerful and rare combination that I highly recommend for others who are ready for life-changing breakthroughs." --Rachel Bryars


“Camino has been exactly what I hoped it would be for me - accountability to grow in holiness. We were not made to journey alone and traveling with others on this particular road has included me in a fellowship of holy women united in our desire to be faithful followers of Christ. Anyone seeking to enter deeper into their faith in a personal and community-based manner, should set forth along the Camino.” --Carol Lange Wiget


Customizable Formation, Personalized Coaching, 

Accountability & Support, Resources and Bonuses


Suggested cost is $350 a month

or  $3500 if paid in full for the year 

(includes 2 months free)  

I want in! Sign up for a FREE Consultation

Make sure to scroll down and learn how "Pay What You Want" pricing allows for 

The Camino to be made available for EVERYONE who desires to grow in holiness!

First, We'll Have a Conversation.

And go over what you've already got...
Set Up A FREE Consultation With Christina Now
 What are your spiritual goals?
   Why do you desire to receive coaching now?
   What obstacles are you facing?
   What support do you need?
   What do you want to achieve moving forward?

Once we have those "raw materials", we'll focus on 3 things

Sign Up for a FREE Consultation TODAY!

The teachings of 

Catholic Social Justice

 Catholic Social Justice Teachings emphasizes the fact that we have a moral and ethical obligation to offer our best selves (all of our best time, talent and resources) and when we do, others respond with their best selves, too. In other words, I offer my best to you, and then you offer your best to me in return. But each of "our best" is different dependent upon our resources, but all of us are called to give our best to each other. This is true justice--to give the other what is their due. If we do not give one another their due, then we are stealing from one another, and this makes all of us less than who we should be as a community.

The teachings of 

First Fruits Living Stewardship

First Fruits Living Stewardship means that Say Yes to Holiness stewards 10% of everything that is received monetarily. What does that mean for you? It means that you know that you are actively helping others in the future be able to receive coaching and access to Say Yes to Holiness resources by paying your fair share. 

It means that I expect you to determine what this type of service is worth to you, and then I will expect you to offer your "best" + 10%. 


For example, you determine that my coaching is worth $250 a month for you ($8 a day equivalent). However, you only have the resources to pay $100 a month. So in our consultation conversation, I would ask you to pay $100 + 10% = $110 as your way of participating in First Fruits Living Stewardship. Or to "give until it hurts" (a phrase Saint Mother Teresa of Calcutta used often) to help ensure that BOTH of us are committed to and will do the actual work that we have agreed upon during our consultation. 
Start your Journey Today! Sign up for a FREE Consultation NOW!
I will be donating 10% of all proceeds from all orders toward supporting
The Apostles of Interior Life
The Sister Servants Of The Eternal Word

consecrated women who dedicate their lives to God by taking the vows of poverty, chastity and obedience in imitation of Jesus Christ .

The Sister Servants of the Eternal Word is a public association of the faithful and the community is contemplative-active, committed to evangelization through catechesis and retreats, according to the ideals of St. Francis and St. Dominic.

And it's really that simple...

If you don't know your WHY, you won't find deep purpose ...


If you don't know WHAT to be about... you can't encounter authentic peace...


And if you don't know HOW to build your foundation properly... 

then you will never experience abiding abundance.

If you'd like to be part of a community of souls on fire who are doing whatever it takes to save souls and make saints as they are personally striving for holiness, then schedule your consultation...


Another Camino journey is beginning VERY soon, so don't miss out on this opportunity!

Schedule your FREE Consultation NOW!